Christian Wolff, MA

Christian Wolff, MA

Christian Wolff, MA is one of the founders of HARBR proper. He is an activist, organizer, rallier, writer, and signer of HARBR documents and communications. He designed and maintains HARBR’s website and manages HARBR’s online communication forum. Christian began his career in healthcare regulatory board reform as a participant and contributor to the processes of the Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners 15 years ago. Over this span of years, Christian has attended more OBPE public meetings than any given board member or non-board member ever.Christian has a master’s degree in clinical psychology and has worked in numerous psychological settings. He managed a private practice from 2003 to the end of 2013 at which time the board with whom he holds a license suspended his license for one year on charges so preposterous that they can only be rivaled by the preposterous charges leveled at what Christian believes are far, far too many other licensed healthcare professionals.

It was during the time of OBPE’s most acute aggressions against Christian that Christian discovered physicians, counselors, and other licensed healthcare professionals who were experiencing similar mind-numbingly insane assaults upon their licenses. Via Robert Plamondon*, Christian learned of OBPE’s aggressive assaults upon legally practicing unlicensed counselors. Christian found Dr. Dover via Dr. Dover’s website and was invited join with numerous physicians from Oregon, North Carolina, and Massachusetts to discuss common experiences. Christian was the only non-physician member of the group at the time.

The OBPE’s final order against Christian was reversed and remanded by the Oregon Court of Appeals on April 19, 2017, 4 years, 3 months, and 16 days after OBPE informed him that they had created charges against him. Christian has served a year of suspension which OBPE now cannot give back. Christian has issues with this. The fact that Christian is not alone is something he finds to be at the same time, comforting and something which makes the board’s behavior all the more appalling. Christian plans to this to an end.

Read more about Christian, his experiences with healthcare regulatory boards, HARBR, and the history of HARBR, elsewhere on this site.

* You can find Robert Plamondon’s website at