

Responding to board assaults is not enough. HARBR finds that healthcare regulatory boards across the nation are fundamentally flawed. Some believe they are so flawed and mired in corruption that they cannot be repaired. It is HARBR’s mission to reform regulatory to the point that they serve their proper purpose and only their proper purpose. We have found no evidence to show that they actually protect the public. We have found no evidence to show that they hold healthcare professions to their highest standards. HARBR works with state legislators, like minded organizations, and the press via letters, email, phone, & face to face meetings. We help craft legislation, testify before legislative committees, and we monitor & investigate wrong-doings within regulatory boards. We affect administrative rulemaking and report illegal and unethical behaviors of board attorneys to state bar associations for investigation and discipline. We also present our concerns directly to the public via many venues.

HARBR Membership

HARBR Membership

In short, HARBR membership is free for those going through disciplinary processes who are also willing to contribute to the larger cause (after their crises have been stabilized). See more in the membership section.